Richard Wood - Fire Dance

" Fire Dance' was recorded between European tours and several concert dates. Bringing together 15 musicians into the studio was no small feat because all of them have solo careers. International shows exposed me to many different fiddle styles which I wanted to incorporate on this album. My intention was to give music to all ages by putting fire under their feet and dance to the beat."



1 - (6:15) - Reel, Nine Point Coggie, Bonnie Kate, Trad Irish Reel
2 - (4:28) - Olde Dublin Jig, Crabbit Shona Jig, Janie's Reel
3 - (3:16) - My Tune For Darla
4 - (5:41) - My Ain Kind Dearie, Tommy's Tarbukas, Early Dawn, Stephanie Wills
5 - (2:52) - Fire Dance
6 - (4:57) - Hiawatha, Jimmy Linn's, College Hornpipe, Arthur Seat
7 - (3:36) - Cape Wrath, Ceilidh At Clickimin, Flying At Findhorn
8 - (4:40) - Kimura
9 - (3:36) - Fiddle Fever
10 - (2:26) - Cameron Chisholm
11 - (3:18) - The Fire Dance (Club Mix)



Richard Wood - Fiddle, Keyboard
Kimberley Holmes - Keyboard
Darla Chaisson - Keyboard
Bill McCaulley - Electric Organ
Skip Holmes - Acoustic Guitar, Electric Guitar, Bazooli
Gordie Belsher - Acoustic Guitar, Bass, Electric Guitar
Jamie Robinson - Electric Guitar
Pat Riley - Bass
Greg Simm - Bass
Maurice Nadeau - Drums, Percussions
Scott MacMillan - Arrangement for Quartet (Kimura)

Nova Scotia Symphony
Ann Rapson - Violin 1
Karew Langille - Violin 2
Margot Aldrich - Viola
Shimon Walt - Cello
All tunes that are composed by Richard Wood are registered with SOCAN

Produced by Richard Wood & Skip Holmes
"Fire Dance" originally recorded at Guernsey Cove, P.E.I.
"Fire Dance Club Mix" produced by Richard, Skip & Harold
Recording Engineer - Harold Tsistinas
Recorded and Mixed at Solar Audio, Halifax, N.S.
Photography by - Carol Kennedy, Cape Breton, N.S.
CD Design & Layout - TechnoMedia Inc., Charlottetown, P.E.I.


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